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2023 North American PaymentInsights: U.S.: Digital Transactions and Emerging Technologies – Neobanking vs. Traditional Banking

After substantial increases in adoption of touchless, digital, and online payments channels during the pandemic, 2022 and after have seen backsliding to previous habits: in-store purchases have rebounded, cash use has increased from 2020, and th...

2023 North American PaymentInsights: U.S.: Financial Services and Emerging Technologies Exhibit

After substantial increases in adoption of touchless, digital, and online payments channels during the pandemic, 2022 and after have seen backsliding to previous habits: in-store purchases have rebounded, cash use has increased from 2020, and th...

Drilling Down on Gen X, Finance’s Middle Child

There is rampant concern that Gen X—those born from 1965 to 1980—will be the first U.S. demographic that doesn’t do as well financially as its parents, and that concern is well-grounded. It’s the first U.S. generation to confront, en masse, a pa...

The Dual Role of Digital in Retaining Small-Business Deposits

Small-business deposits are in flux at traditional FIs, with a quarter of those businesses moving deposits to other institutions in the past year. Often, the move is to another bank or credit union, but increasingly nonbank fintech companies are...

FIS is Selling Worldpay, So Now What?

  • Impact Note
  • Date: July 10, 2023
  • Author(s): Daniel Keyes
  • Research Topic(s): Merchant
In a four-year period, FIS has gone from purchasing merchant acquiring titan Worldpay for $43 billion to announcing plans to spin the company off to agreeing to sell a controlling stake in it at a greatly reduced valuation. This Javelin Strategy...

Technology and the Hybrid Advisor

Regulation to harmonize standards of care across RIA and broker-dealer channels has accelerated the convergence of wealth management distribution channels. This convergence centers on advisor affiliation models and reflects client enthusiasm for...

4 Key Lessons Banks Can Learn from Non-Banking Apps

Financial institutions are getting people into their apps, evidenced by the mobile channel’s status as the workhorse of banking. The problem is, customers aren’t staying for more than a “log in, log out” experience that typically is transactiona...

Building a Better Stablecoin

Unlike digital dollars, each stablecoin is unique when they are cryptographically minted and stored on a distributed ledger. Features such as programmability and near instantaneous settlement offer solutions to ecommerce, financial institutions,...

Business Financial Health: A Foundation for Upgrading Digital Banking

Maintaining business financial health is a challenge. Most entrepreneurs are not financial professionals, nor are they fluent in the language of banking, payments, and financial analysis. In a business environment that’s ever-changing and ridden...

The Expanding Role of A2A Transactions

Account-to-account (A2A) transfers can flow on ACH rails, which can take a few days to process, or on instant payment rails. A2A transfers can disburse funds immediately with a wide application of uses, from insurance payouts to cash-outs from a...
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