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Fraud and the Financial Advisor

The impact of fraud and cybersecurity on the client relationship means these challenges can no longer be considered through the lens of operational cost or as part of a box-checking exercise. Rather, they have assumed mission-critical importance...

Loan Education: Not Ready for the Mobile-First Era

Although banks provide a wealth of financial education on loans on their public websites, they integrate little of the content, calculators, and other features in digital banking for easy access once customers log in. This effectively treats cus...

What We’ve Learned Four Years After the Acquirer Megadeal Spree

  • Javelin Report
  • Date: October 2, 2023
  • Author(s): Daniel Keyes
  • Research Topic(s): Merchant
We are four years clear of three megadeals in the merchant acquiring space—Fiserv’s addition of First Data, FIS’s acquisition of Worldpay, and the Global Payments-TSYS partnership—and now is the time to assess how the acquiring landscape has cha...

Privacy vs. Protection: The Battle Over Consumer Data

California legislators just passed the DELETE Act. Now it awaits the governor’s signature. Once enacted, the act will strengthen consumer privacy provisions outlined in the California Consumer Privacy Act, which took effect Jan. 1, 2020, making ...

Winning the Cash-Flow Race: A Guide for Financial Institutions

Small-business owners, by and large, know the importance of cash-flow forecasting. But there’s a surprising disconnect between their perception of its value and the actual practice of accurately and efficiently forecasting their cash position. M...

How Financial Institutions Can Plot Their Instant Payment Strategy

  • Javelin Report
  • Date: September 28, 2023
  • Author(s): Elisa Tavilla
  • Research Topic(s): Debit
With the recent launch of FedNow, as well as the continued presence of The Clearing House’s RTP network, instant payments are poised to transform money movement in the United States. This will require careful consideration and planning by financ...

Non-Fungible Tokens in Loyalty Programs: A Dress Rehearsal for Tokenized Payments?

Loyalty programs are a staple of companies’ attempts to connect with their customers, but only about half of them receive consumer engagement. A rising movement toward the use of non-fungible tokens—NFTs—as exclusive offerings and as a new payme...

Yours, Mine & Ours: Digital Banking for Couples

The demographics of couples are changing, and quickly. Married couples may not share as much as they used to, and a growing number of households include partners who aren’t married. Innovative fintechs are building products that serve every type...

The Credit-Building Pathway: Banking's Opportunity for a Fresh Approach

The banking industry’s traditional answer for Americans with limited or damaged credit histories is to educate customers generically, equip them with credit scores and do-it-yourself credit-building tools, and sell them a secured card with no fo...

Wealth Management Fraud: An Easy Target for Scams

Traditional identity fraud and identity fraud scams are equal-opportunity crimes, in that anyone with a digital footprint is a potential target. But as affluence rises, so does consumer concern about becoming a victim. Further, suspicious activi...
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