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The Digital Lending Landscape for Newcomers to the U.S.

Every year, millions of people from around the globe legally enter the United States but struggle to line up banking and lending services because they lack standard documentation, credit histories, or credit scores. This has left the door open f...

Defining (and Finding) the Opportunities in Metaverse Payments

The metaverse of today isn’t like the metaverse of old science fiction. In fact, it’s not one thing at all, but many virtual worlds, each with its own opportunities for players in the payments space. While the metaverse is a future opportunity—p...

North America Commercial Card Market Review and Forecast, 2022-2027

Inflationary concerns and tighter money policies continue to affect business spending in the United States and Canada. This Javelin Strategy & Research report takes a look at the current environment for corporate card spending in North America a...

Business Credit Scores and the FI Opportunity

Business credit scores are important components in financial management for small businesses, enabling them to secure financing, obtain credit cards, and access trade credit at large suppliers. But credit scores remain underused and misunderstoo...

Fact-Checking Bill Pay Assumptions—Three Data-Driven Paths Forward

Many bankers are conflicted about bill pay and its future in a mobile-first era of digital banking. Javelin’s assessment based on overall adoption, Gen Z behavior, channel preferences, and satisfaction data shows that digital banking strategists...

On the Horizon: Key Considerations for Banks Deploying into the Cloud

Cloud service providers are playing a larger role in payments, having moved beyond storing bank data into core services. But as cloud providers begin more efficiently processing payment methods and providing fraud mitigation powered by artificia...

20th Annual U.S. Closed-Loop Prepaid Card Market Forecast, 2023-2027

Closed-loop prepaid programs continue to emerge from the chaos of the COVID-19 era. In this annual report, Javelin Strategy & Research takes a look at the market for closed-loop prepaid programs across a range of categories and identifies a new ...

The Continuing Case for Cryptocurrency in Cross-Border Payments

Cross-border payments—traditionally clunky, with opaque processes and fees and multiple potential points of failure—represent a massive opportunity for innovators and disruptors, and the cryptocurrency industry can claim both mantles. This Javel...

Global Commercial Payments Growth and Fintechs: Partner, Buy, or Go Organic

Amid the rapid growth of payments flowing between businesses, enterprises in the payments space are looking for ways to grab market share while grappling with a host of challenges: lean staffs, high interest rates, and getting up to speed on new...

Fraud and Authentication Technology: Realigning Investments with Consumer Expectations

Nearly half of businesses, across industries, spend less than $50,000 annually on fraud, authentication, and identity verification technology and tools, making it essential for vendors of these products to anticipate business needs and decision ...
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