Ticketmaster Breach Inflates Complexity With Identity Fraud
- Date:July 25, 2024
- Author(s):
- Suzanne Sando
- Report Details: 7 pages, 4 graphics
- Research Topic(s):
- Fraud & Security
- Fraud Management
At a time when account takeover and other identity fraud types are causing significant issues for consumers, the last thing consumers want to hear is that their information was stolen in a data breach. A recent breach affecting Ticketmaster customers underscores why it’s critical that organizations protect themselves against future breaches and have policies in place to secure consumer accounts and information as well as secure consumer trust in the aftermath of such an event.
This Javelin Strategy & Research impact note outlines the incident that affected Ticketmaster and its customers, the response undertaken by the company and where it fell short, and how companies that are victimized in the future can shore up their post-breach actions and help their customers come through the difficulties with renewed trust and better cybersecurity hygiene.
Learn More About This Report & Javelin
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