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Stripe, FIS, and Afterpay and the Search for Profitability and Flexibility

The struggles of FIS (which opted to spin off Worldpay, an acquisition it made to much fanfare four years ago), Stripe (which is seeking money at a greatly reduced valuation), and Afterpay (which abandoned a buy now, pay later market amid tough ...

In Check Fraud, Everything Old Is New Again

For a payment vehicle that is fading away, paper checks sure are getting a lot of attention from criminals. Suspicious-activity reports to FinCEN, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, nearly doubled from 2021 to 2022, with more increases ex...

Bitcoin Mining and ESG: The States Start Moving

New York was the first state to impose restrictions on bitcoin mining, but it won’t be the last. Oregon and Washington are lining up their own legislation, highlighting the industry’s environmental, social, and governance challenges. Still other...

How Digital Features Can Set Business Credit Cards Apart

Financial institutions typically peddle credit cards based on commoditized factors, not digital features, and are missing out on opportunities because of this. Rather than leaning on things like rewards programs, cash-back bonuses, annual percen...

Cobranded Credit Cards 2023

  • Javelin Report
  • Date: March 15, 2023
  • Author(s): Ben Danner
  • Research Topic(s): Credit
The cobranded card market is a way to generate loyalty, scale your portfolio, and service the next generation of cardholders.

Unused Value in Prepaid Cards: Breaking the Misconceptions

Unused funds on prepaid products, such as gift cards, create liabilities for issuing organizations as use grows. The increasing use of such products highlights the opportunities for consumers and retailers to benefit before any potential regulat...

More Cyber Lessons for Digital Bankers: It’s All About Trust

Some banking customers just do not trust the internet and are not comfortable using it. They trust their banks, though, and this presents an enormous opportunity for FIs to engage these customers, nudge them toward digital banking if they are pe...

Supply Chain Finance: As Important as Ever

Review the need for supply chain finance options in the post-pandemic global economy, which remains uneven with continuing supply chain disruption. Understand the issues facing suppliers and the types of financing options available, as well as t...

The Future of Digital Identities Is Now

Digital IDs offer convenience and security that, if implemented correctly, can reduce threats such as new account fraud, account takeover fraud, and synthetic identity fraud and also lower application abandonment rates by removing unnecessary fr...

Fintech Investment in a Changing Market: 5 Things to Know for 2023

With investment capital tighter in 2023, there’s less interest in untested, unproven fintech startups and more of an emphasis on coming out of the chute with products that are ready for the market and ready to drive profit. What’s more, fintechs...
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