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Open Banking Pushes Interoperability to the Payments Forefront

Thanks to open banking, interoperability has become a foundational building block of the modern financial services industry. This has led to product development that makes it easier for technology systems to work together and has fostered a best...

Smart Beta, Direct Indexing, and the All-Weather Portfolio

Direct indexing offers a compelling framework for the investor interested in capital preservation, particularly when it is executed through a smart-beta lens. Smart-beta direct indexing provides a best-of-both-worlds approach that boosts investi...

Fintech Trends in Corporate Banking

This impact note reviews the developments and trending movement of fintech as it relates to the corporate transaction banking space, which in effect is regarded as business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-government (B2G) use cases with all th...

Gen Z is Reaching Adulthood and Merchant Service Providers Need a Plan

  • Javelin Report
  • Date: January 24, 2023
  • Author(s): Daniel Keyes
  • Research Topic(s): Merchant
Gen Z, defined as those born in 1997 or after, must be a top priority for all merchants and their service providers. Merchants need to build relationships with Gen Zers now in order to rack up sales and have relationships with young consumers th...

U.S. Commercial Prepaid Card Market Forecast

This report covers Mercator Advisory Group research and expectations in the commercial prepaid market. Highlights include trends for both open-loop and closed-loop products.

Targeting TikTok: Rising Geopolitical Tension Should Put FIs on Guard

As a bipartisan group of legislators tries to put TikTok out of business in the United States over its China-based ownership and sketchy history of leveraging user data, U.S.-based financial institutions must be on guard as geopolitical tensions...

Prepaid Mobile Expanding Its Use Case in a 5G World

Prepaid mobile subscriptions provide simple and low-commitment options to connect to connected systems easily. With expanding technology, prepaid mobile will connect people through smartphones and serve as their primary connection to high-speed ...

2022 North American PaymentsInsights, Canada: Significant Consumer Trends in Payments

After two years of pandemic related disruption, Canadians have never been more comfortable with leveraging technology for ease and convenience when interacting with financial institutions, merchants and peers.

2022 North American PaymentsInsights, U.S.: Significant Consumer Trends in Payments

Gen Z and Millennials are paving the way to “doing life” from the convenience of their smartphones. For them, interacting with financial institutions, merchants and peers via their mobile devices is more than convenient, it is second nature and ...

2022 North American PaymentsInsights: Canada Exhibit

Mercator Advisory Group’s most recent report covers the market for personal banking, debit, and credit cards in Canada. The report looks at consumers’ preferred way to use credit, P2P payments, mobile/security, and more.
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