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Payment Acceptance as Digital Channels Expand

New survey finds acquiring bank is still top card processing provider for U.S. small businesses but third-party providers are gaining ground. Latest report from Mercator Advisory Group’s annual U.S. Small Business Survey series.

2018 Trust in Banking

This report ranks seventeen of the largest financial institutions in the US according to their level of trust among accountholders and considers the factors that can engender or undermine trust in a financial institution.

Five Reward Events That Will Alter the Credit Card Value Proposition

Issuers must adapt to an evolving market and ensure that their products address market change.

Hacking Back: Playing with Fire

Despite warnings from academics, former intelligence community officials, and federal law enforcement, some security professionals at financial services companies harbor a willingness to attack their adversaries. Not necessarily to destroy outsi...


In April 2018, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) advanced the Web Authentication (WebAuthn) standard to the Candidate Recommendation stage. This standard defines an application programming interface (API) that can be incorporated into browser...

Charting A Course to Better Mobile Banking

Drawing on Javelin’s Digital Banking Maturity Path, this initial report provides a strategic roadmap to help understand where mobile banking has grown beyond being just a tool for transactional updates and interactions.

EMV Technology Update: EMV Classic, Faster EMV, and Now QR Code EMV

  • Javelin Report
  • Date: June 18, 2018
  • Author(s): Tim Sloane
  • Research Topic(s): Emerging, Merchant
EMV QR codes could solve the e-commerce fraud problem if merchant concerns can be overcome.Mercator Advisory Group releases a new research report on the latest developments in point-of-sale technologies, including EMV chip cards, NFC, and QR Cod...

The Short-Term Lending Opportunity: Empowering the Underbanked by Breaking the Payday Debt Cycle

  • Javelin Report
  • Date: June 7, 2018
  • Author(s): Test Test
  • Research Topic(s): Digital Lending
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau recently finalized a new rule governing the underwriting of certain short-term loans, notably payday loans. These loans are most frequently provided by local payday lenders, often at extremely high intere...

Building Better Online Banking

Drawing on Javelin’s Digital Banking Maturity Path, this report provides a tactical and strategic roadmap to position a bank or credit union as a trusted adviser and long-lasting financial partner. The report identifies 36 principles that are es...

Payments Hubs: Renaissance in 2018

Financial services industry change is driving renewed interest in payments hub solutions.
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