What shapes consumer transactions and payment technologies, and where is it going?

Any conventional wisdom about payments—how they’re made, the currencies being used, the cards presently in favor—doesn’t last long before the next wave of technology, innovation, and regulation. Javelin’s analysts conduct research at the forefront of payments, identifying the emerging trends for financial services companies and payments providers and offering insight into how they can best position themselves not just for what is current but also for what is coming.

Payments Research


Small Business Credit Cards: The Key to Richer Customer Relationships

Small business credit cards present new challenges, opportunities. Mercator Advisory Group research finds that card issuers’ products need to evolve to stay aligned with small businesses’ changing needs.

Wearables: Generating the Next Wave of Personal Finance Experiences

  • Javelin Report
  • Date: November 3, 2015
  • Author(s): Nikhil Joseph
  • Research Topic(s): Emerging
Beyond tap and pay — how “wearables” could revolutionize financial services interactions with customers. Research from Mercator Advisory Group explores potential of wearable personal computing devices for useful financial services interactions w...

Prospect of Real-Time Payments for the U.S. Changes in Real Time

  • Impact Note
  • Date: November 2, 2015
  • Author(s): Sarah Grotta
  • Research Topic(s): Debit
The path the U.S. only recently began plotting to a national real-time payments platform has suddenly diverged. 

Online Retail Payments Forecast 2015

This report provides an in-depth analysis of developing trends in e-commerce, coupled with forecasts of online purchasing volumes and preferred funding mechanisms through 2019. In particular, this report will examine the growing importance of mo...

Seizing the Opportunity of a U.S. Real-Time Network

The United States begins planning a national real-time payments capabilityLagging several countries, the U.S. considers a single payments platform based on global standards to provide real-time or near-real-time payments

Mobile Wallets and Consumer Adoption: Securing Growth Through Trust

This whitepaper, sponsored by Diebold, looks at how mobile payments and mobile wallets are evolving in the U.S., detailing key barriers to end user adoption and consumer preferences for mobile wallet providers.

U.S. EMV-ification: The Growing Case for Contactless Cards

This report provides a snapshot of the state of EMV today and forecasts the timeline for EMV ubiquity, as well as the anticipated rise in contactless EMV cards as issuers realize the opportunity for reclaiming top-of-wallet status with a faster ...

A Tipping Point for Digital Account Opening

This webinar explores strategies for building an integrated omnichannel process that focuses on customer choice without compromising fraud security.

Instant-Issuance Payment Cards: Fulfilling Consumer Expectations for Immediacy

This study, sponsored by Entrust Datacard, explores the market for instant issuance of debit cards in-branch from the perspective of issuers and consumers. Revenue opportunities, and customer experience and satisfaction associated with instant i...

Mobile P2P Payments 2015: The Growth and Adoption of Mobile Money Transfers

This report will examine the channel at the forefront of change in P2P, the mobile sector, and provide a forecast of mobile P2P users through 2020. It will also cover key segments, devices, and operating systems to target and will address the ma...

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