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Recent Fraud and Security Research


Deepfake Fraud Alert: How FinCEN’s Guidance Affects Banks

Even though deepfake-related fraud suspicious activity reports are on the rise, many financial institutions do not have a deepfake detection solution. FinCEN’s recent alert notes that banks have seen an increased use of deepfakes, specifically r...

2025 Cybersecurity Trends

Expanding security automation by relying more heavily on security orchestration, artificial intelligence, and data analytics, as well as a more inclusive and expansive definition of threat intelligence signals, will dictate the success cyber tea...

2025 Fraud Management Trends

Innovation is the name of the game in 2025. Though the financial services industry is always working to develop the latest and greatest technology for fraud detection and prevention, there are more than a few opportunities on which financial ins...

Identity Verification Demystified: Share More, Secure More

Going too far to protect identity has put the financial services industry at increased risk. Reluctance to share critical signals across disparate platforms and sectors has pigeon-holed financial institutions into limited views of the consumers ...

Threat Intel Odyssey: Mapping the Convergence of Social Cyber Risks

Successful sharing of threat intelligence must move beyond the borders of traditional financial services and governments to include social media, a breeding ground for cybercrime and nation-state threats. This will be tricky for FIs, which must ...

Cyber Trust in Banking

Join us for a 30-minute webinar featuring Javelin experts Tracy Kitten and Suzanne Sando as we explore the essential elements of cyber trust from the consumer's perspective.

2024 Cyber Trust in Banking Scorecard

In this scorecard, Javelin evaluates leading financial institutions’ level of cyber trust based on key components: privacy, cybersecurity, education and resolution support. Shifting customer attitudes (and customers’ greater awareness of fraud a...

TikTok Users Encourage Check Fraud: Banks Must Address The ‘Glitch’

Users of TikTok and other social media platforms have accelerated check fraud by exploiting known gaps in check fraud detection processes. The viral TikTok Chase Bank “glitch” posts have unearthed consumers’ willingness to commit the age-old fra...

The Pervasiveness of Check Fraud: Banks Are Paying the Price

Among fraud losses, check fraud ranks the highest within several financial institutions. Paper checks—containing an abundance of valuable sensitive information—are prime targets for criminals who can easily alter and deposit them or use the info...

Future Strategies for Effective Identity Verification that Build, Not Break, Business

Join Javelin's Tracy Kitten, Director of Fraud & Security, and Intellicheck's Bryan Lewis, President and CEO, to learn about strategies for identity verification. 

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