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2023 Outlook: Emerging Technologies

For more than a decade, fintech startups and products have captured outsized attention and investment. In many ways, these companies have set the agenda for driving consumer expectations for financial services. In 2023, the times they are a-chan...

2023 Outlook: Merchant Services

  • Impact Note
  • Date: November 16, 2022
  • Author(s): Daniel Keyes
  • Research Topic(s): Merchant
2023 is set to bring new concerns about credit card fee structures and economic turmoil, while the way merchants accept in-store payments is changing, making for what will be a tumultuous year in payments and merchant services. This past year wa...

2023 Outlook: Prepaid

In this viewpoint, Mercator presents the results of 2022 forecasts, the state of the prepaid card market, and projections for 2023. The prepaid market continues to be a fast-growing payment segment with the unique ability to experience resilienc...

2023 Payments Trends & Predictions

  • Javelin Report
  • Date: November 16, 2022
  • Author(s): Marco Salazar
  • Research Topic(s): Tech & Infrastructure
The annual payment trends report will highlight the top three business drivers for change in 2023.

2023 Small Business Banking Trends & Predictions

An overview of three trends that will be critical for the banking industry to address in the coming year.

Converting Rewards Points Into Prepaid Purchases Critical to Growing Loyalty

This viewpoint highlights the opportunity for players in the loyalty and rewards ecosystem to accelerate the use of their programs and drive cashouts of points for prepaid purchases. Inflationary pressure, supply chain issues, and rising interes...

Premium Credit Cards in 2022

  • Javelin Report
  • Date: November 10, 2022
  • Author(s): Ben Danner
  • Research Topic(s): Credit
Premium credit card products have existed since the 1980s and are targeted toward the mass affluent population. This customer segment differs from the general-purpose credit card market, with above-average credit scores and household incomes of ...

Generation Z: Why Now is the Ideal Time to Pursue a Slippery, Fragmented Age Group 

Generation Z is defying any established tools and strategies financial institutions have for consumer acquisition and retention. The oldest of Gen Zers are turning 25 this year, while the youngest remain in middle school. They’re coming into a w...

Direct Deposit Innovators Target the Power of the Paycheck

Innovative newcomers and an evolving consumer finance culture are turning the traditional outlook on direct deposit on its head. Where once it was a staple in measuring customer loyalty, the rise of open banking and the fragmentation of consumer...

The SEC Marketing Rule: Optimizing Digital Marketing With Compliance Tech

The SEC’s new marketing rule is effective November 4th, 2022, and provides a framework for advisors to follow regarding their performance advertising, use of testimonials and endorsements, and solicitation activities. Learn how the SEC’s new mar...
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