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Merchant, Bank Mobile Wallets Prove Value Where Apple, Google, Samsung Have Not

This report explores how the Pays stack up and recommends strategies to drive repeat purchasing behavior by creating value all along the purchase journey, not just at the point of payment. 

Branch Design Developments in an Omnichannel World

  • Impact Note
  • Date: August 10, 2016
  • Author(s): Ed O'Brien
Changing role of branches reflected in new layouts and designs New research from Mercator Advisory Group examines the changing role of today’s bank branches and its effect on branch design.

Small Business Bank Switching

Competition and choice have already commoditized the consumer banking relationship, with most customers seeing little justification for consolidating their products at one FI anymore — even if that FI is deemed the primary. There are signs that ...

Digital Banking Maturity Path

This research-based framework maps out five stages of digital services that increasingly empower customers and position FIs in a trusted, advisory role that leads to an increased share of a customer’s wallet, deeper relationships and satisfactio...

The Outlook for Commercial Mobile Payments

Commercial adoption of mobile payments will follow consumer adoptionNew research from Mercator Advisory Group examines the likelihood of commercial card mobile payments gaining wide adoption 

EMV in 2016: Breaking Through the Bottleneck

  • Javelin Report
  • Date: July 19, 2016
  • Author(s): Alex Johnson
  • Research Topic(s): Credit
U.S. EMV migration makes progress despite merchant certification bottleneck New research from Mercator Advisory Group examines the progress made by credit card issuers, merchants, and the card networks since the 2015 EMV liability shift.

Tablets’ Shifting Role in Mobile Banking

This report will take a close look at how consumers use tablets in managing their financial lives and why many institutions have responded by delivering identical experiences on tablets and smartphones. It will explore the large role that browse...

2016 Annual U.S. Debit Market Data Review

  • Javelin Report
  • Date: July 11, 2016
  • Author(s): Sarah Grotta
  • Research Topic(s): Debit
The $2 trillion in debit card transactions in the U.S. up for grabs under the influence of the networks, technology, and consumer preferencesMercator Advisory Group releases new research analyzing U.S. debit market trends and transaction routing...

Has Debit Outlived Its Shelf Life?

  • Impact Note
  • Date: July 7, 2016
  • Author(s): Sarah Grotta
  • Research Topic(s): Debit
The debit card is one of the most used payment types, but is it in danger of being replaced?

2016 Online Retail Payments Forecast

This report provides an in-depth analysis of developing trends in e-commerce and forecasts online purchasing patterns through 2020. 
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