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2021 Digital Banking Trends

The challenges brought on by this historic upheaval are no less daunting in 2021. Digital banking strategists face historic uncertainly about the extent to which consumer expectations and banking habits will be forever altered – and how this wil...

2021 Digital Lending Trends

  • Javelin Report
  • Date: December 9, 2020
  • Author(s): Austin Kilgore
  • Research Topic(s): Digital Lending
This report provides an overview of three trends that will be crucial for lenders to address or to start addressing in the coming year, along with the strategies and decisions lenders must consider to effectively respond to, or even get ahead of...

2021 Financial Fraud Trends

The combination of exponential growth in digital channels and advanced criminal methodologies will lead to a more complicated series of problems that have to be solved through technology. Consumers, and less-than-safe payment habits, will serve ...

2021 Payments Trends

  • Javelin Report
  • Date: December 9, 2020
  • Author(s): Krista Tedder, Rachel Huber
  • Research Topic(s): Tech & Infrastructure
The changes in consumer behavior and technology each influence Javelin’s 2021 industry trends. A new normal has set in, one where the industry needs to be more agile than in the past ten years combined but also one where innovation is thriving. ...

2021 Small-Business Digital Banking & Payments Trends

In this report, Javelin outlines three key trends that banks, core providers, card networks, and fintech companies should watch for in the coming year to support those efforts: increased development and competition from banks for small merchant ...

Buyer PaymentsInsights – Payments Behavior: Looking at Buyers through the Lens of Segmentation

Mercator demonstrates the power of shopper segmentations. The third report from Mercator Advisory Group’s 2020 Buyer PaymentsInsights Survey focuses on segmenting shoppers for more strategic insight.

17th Annual U.S. Open Loop Prepaid Cards Market Forecast 2020-2024, Part One

  • Javelin Report
  • Date: December 4, 2020
  • Author(s): Theodore Iacobuzzio
  • Research Topic(s): Prepaid
The open loop prepaid market in 2019 prepared no one for 2020. Mercator Advisory Group releases new research that finds that cash access has preserved much of its value proposition.

An Urgent Need to Build Customer Satisfaction: The Identity Protection Service Provider Market Overview

This report will provide an assessment of where the IDPS market is, a look at where the market is changing, and recommendations on how to grow the market. 

The Threat Facing Rural Banks

Using Javelin’s ZIP-code-driven analysis of FIs and rural banking customers, this report spells out major dissonances between trends affecting rural markets and rural banking usage, and identifies the behaviors and attitudes of rural banking cus...

2021 Wealth Management Trends

​Developments that made the past 12 months a watershed year for wealth management are set to transform the industry in 2021. These include fractional share trading and direct indexing strategies enabled by the adoption of zero-commission trades....
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