What shapes consumer transactions and payment technologies, and where is it going?

Any conventional wisdom about payments—how they’re made, the currencies being used, the cards presently in favor—doesn’t last long before the next wave of technology, innovation, and regulation. Javelin’s analysts conduct research at the forefront of payments, identifying the emerging trends for financial services companies and payments providers and offering insight into how they can best position themselves not just for what is current but also for what is coming.

Payments Research


Small Business Credit Card 2009 Update: Party's Over - When's The Next Party?

  • Javelin Report
  • Date: November 29, 2009
  • Author(s): Mercator
  • Research Topic(s): Credit
Small Business Credit Card 2009 Update:Party's Over - When's The Next Party?

Shifting Gears: Cards and Electronic Payments in China 2009

  • Javelin Report
  • Date: November 23, 2009
  • Author(s): Mercator
  • Research Topic(s): Global
Shifting Gears?Cards and Electronic Payments in China 2009

The Global Contactless Payment Card Market: Increased Adoption in Close Proximity?

  • Javelin Report
  • Date: November 23, 2009
  • Author(s): Mercator
  • Research Topic(s): Global
The Global Contactless Payment Card Market: Increased Adoption in Close Proximity?

A Different Way of Offering Credit: Islamic Payment Cards' Potential in the Global Economy 2009

  • Javelin Report
  • Date: November 1, 2009
  • Author(s): Mercator
  • Research Topic(s): Global
A Different Way of Offering Credit:Islamic Payment Cards' Potential in the Global Economy 2009

Dealing With Soaring Bad Card Debt Around the World

  • Impact Note
  • Date: November 1, 2009
  • Author(s): Mercator
  • Research Topic(s): Credit, Global
As the global economic downturn continues, rising unemployment rates and dwindling personal income around the world are driving bad card debt levels at an un-precedent pace. This environment may push developing credit markets into new territory ...

Remote Payments on the iPhone: Account Access, Card Not Present and a Seamless Payment Experience

  • Impact Note
  • Date: November 1, 2009
  • Author(s): Mercator
  • Research Topic(s): Emerging
While card brands, issuers and behemoths in the mobile ecosystem struggle to make NFC a reality, opportunistic payment service providers are capitalizing on smartphones to grow transaction volume through information-rich interfaces, account acce...

The Traveler's Dilemma: U.S. Cards Just Don't Have the 'Thing'

  • Impact Note
  • Date: October 29, 2009
  • Author(s): Mercator
  • Research Topic(s): Credit
The vision for payment cards has long been to become the practical equivalent of a global currency. Cross-border operability made credit cards indispensable for travelers. But when U.S. cardholders travel in EMV (chip-and PIN) countries, the vis...

Central and Eastern European Payment Card Markets: 2009

  • Javelin Report
  • Date: October 6, 2009
  • Author(s): Mercator
  • Research Topic(s): Global
Central and Eastern EuropeanPayment Card Markets: 2009

Chip Cards and the U.S. Market: Global Payments Go Local

  • Impact Note
  • Date: September 30, 2009
  • Author(s): Mercator
  • Research Topic(s): Debit
In a recent article on chip cards, the following statement appeared: "Experts predict that American credit card issuers might develop a chip-and-PIN card that's designed specifically for European travel. The banking industry agrees that this is ...

Sixth Annual Closed Loop Prepaid Market Assessment

  • Javelin Report
  • Date: September 16, 2009
  • Author(s): Mercator
  • Research Topic(s): Prepaid
Sixth Annual Closed Loop Prepaid Market Assessment

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