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Recent Fraud and Security Research


2014 Identity Fraud Report: Card Data Breaches and Inadequate Consumer Password Habits Fuel Disturbing Fraud Trends

Javelin’s “2014 Identity Fraud Report” provides a comprehensive analysis of fraud trends in the context of a changing technological and regulatory environment in order to inform consumers, financial institutions and businesses on the most effect...

Equipping Consumers in the Fight Against Identity Fraud: Fraud Prevention Checklist

Complimentary consumer report features an update on the Fraud Beat of what fraudsters are up to today, as well as a checklist of activities to reduce your risk of becoming a victim of identity fraud.

Biometrics in Banking and Payments: Versatile Voice Faces An Apple-Led Fingerprint Revolution

Biometric authentication has been a fixture of the public imagination for decades through frequent appearances in futuristic popular fiction. In the year 2014, these solutions may finally make the breakthrough from symbols of cutting edge techno...

Ten Trends for Financial Services in 2014: Big Data, Big Clouds, Big Mobile, Big Brother

Javelin’s senior analysts identify 10 trends that are transforming financial services, evaluate the implications, and map out action steps in 2014 for banking, payments, mobile, and security strategists.

9TH Annual Credit Card Issuers’ Identity Safety Scorecard: Preventing Fraud Through Improved Authentication and Customer Engagement

Javelin’s ninth annual Credit Card Issuers’ Identity Safety Scorecard analyzes the customer?facing security features and scores of 24 of the nation’s top credit card issuers using Javelin’s Prevention, Detection, and Resolution™ Model. The Score...

2013 - 2014 Mobile Banking Vendor Scorecard: Vendors Segment Offerings into Standard and Custom Solutions

Mobile banking adoption is increasing rapidly, with 45% of mobile consumers using mobile banking in the past 90 days. The importance of the mobile channel to future growth cannot be overstated as 71% of consumers using mobile banking believe tha...

Financial Alerts Forecast 2013: Security + Personal Finance = ROI

The march of technology has made banking transactions and customer service interaction increasingly digital and distant, but there is no turning back the clock to a time when banking was primarily a face-to-face experience. Instead, the industry...

Payment Card Data Security Report: Combating Breaches, Perfecting EMV, and Safeguarding Mobile Payments

Data breaches, EMV, and mobile payments are key issues affecting the security of payment card data, and managing each will require overcoming formidable challenges.  Criminals are seizing on lax data security to compromise card data at an alarmi...

2013 Identity Protection Services Scorecard: Adjusting Product Offerings to Counter High Customer Turnover

Javelin’s seventh annual Identity Protection Services Scorecard examines the issues affecting consumer adoption of IDPS services and the means by which service providers can maximize their share of an increasingly consolidated market. The dynami...

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