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Digital Banking Research


Mobile Banking, Tablet and Smartphone Forecast 2013-2018: Smart Device Adoption Drives Mobile Banking Boom

Smartphone, tablet and mobile banking adoption are shattering expectations, raising the stakes for FIs to compete through superior mobile banking. In 2013, 95 million U.S. adults used mobile banking – a gain of 27 million mobile bankers over 201...

Online Retail Payments Forecast 2013-2018: Alternative Payments Go Mainstream

The e-commerce market is evolving at a spectacular rate, and never before has it been more competitive. In 2013, consumers spent a total of $351.9 billion online, and $1 of every $6 originated from a mobile device. Smartphones, tablets, and soci...

Mobile Payments Market: Tablet Shopping Surges as Mobile Retail Sales Top $60 Billion

Consumer mobile purchasing surged to an all-time high, reaching almost $60 billion and demonstrating triple-digit growth in 2013. Consumers are increasingly turning to tablets and phones for purchasing despite the fact that many sites are not id...

Ten Trends for Financial Services in 2014: Big Data, Big Clouds, Big Mobile, Big Brother

Javelin’s senior analysts identify 10 trends that are transforming financial services, evaluate the implications, and map out action steps in 2014 for banking, payments, mobile, and security strategists.

2013 - 2014 Mobile Banking Vendor Scorecard: Vendors Segment Offerings into Standard and Custom Solutions

Mobile banking adoption is increasing rapidly, with 45% of mobile consumers using mobile banking in the past 90 days. The importance of the mobile channel to future growth cannot be overstated as 71% of consumers using mobile banking believe tha...

Financial Alerts Forecast 2013: Security + Personal Finance = ROI

The march of technology has made banking transactions and customer service interaction increasingly digital and distant, but there is no turning back the clock to a time when banking was primarily a face-to-face experience. Instead, the industry...

Payment Card Data Security Report: Combating Breaches, Perfecting EMV, and Safeguarding Mobile Payments

Data breaches, EMV, and mobile payments are key issues affecting the security of payment card data, and managing each will require overcoming formidable challenges.  Criminals are seizing on lax data security to compromise card data at an alarmi...

2013 Mobile Banking Financial Institution Scorecard: Winners and Losers of Today and the Strategies and Trends for Tomorrow

Mobile bankers want advanced features through the devices they use, as the mobile “power users” of yesterday become the average bank customers of 2013. Today, with 4 in 10 mobile consumers owning a tablet, and the majority owning a smartphone — ...

How Mobile Can Open the Door to $2.1 Trillion in Bill Payments

Paying bills is an inescapable necessity for consumers, with $2.1 trillion in payments annually for just seven common types of bills in 2013, according to Javelin estimates. The mobile bill-payment industry is in its infancy — accounting for $36...

2013 Gang of Five: Apple, Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Paypal-eBay: Threat of the Mobile Wallet Disruptors

The stakes are high with an existing U.S. market of over $4 trillion up for grabs, yet so far no single entity has been able to crack the code for mobile wallets. The Gang of Five — Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon and PayPal (eBay) — threatens t...

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