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Treasury Automation: Adapting to Increased Expectations

In new research, Mercator Advisory Group reports how treasury automation has accelerated during the pandemic as CFOs seek more strategic results.

Opportunities to Differentiate Portfolio Management Systems

As portfolio management systems continue to evolve, advisors are looking to providers to leverage new technology—such as artificial intelligence and behavioral finance models—to deliver highly customized solutions for their clients among a sea o...

2022 Identity Protection Service Provider Scorecard

Consumers are looking for better protection against fraud, and an identity protection service (IDPS) — whether bought directly from a vendor or, as Javelin Strategy & Research suggests, provided as a free or low-cost offering from a trusted inst...

Processing Recurring and Subscription Payments Without Friction: A Key to Unlocking Transactions from a Forecasted $830 Billion Card Market

  • Javelin Report
  • Date: February 23, 2022
  • Author(s): Ben Danner
  • Research Topic(s): Credit
New research from Mercator Advisory Group finds reducing friction is the key to the subscription and recurring payments market.

2022 North American PaymentsInsights: Navigating Mobile Payment Technology Adoption

A new report from Mercator Advisory Group's North American PaymentsInsights survey series provides a fact-based look into the informed consumer’s use and future adoption of mobile payment technology across multiple generations.

Forecast 2025: Mobile Is the New Workhorse in Consumer Banking

Digital banking adoption—online and mobile—has returned to pre-pandemic levels and in some cases has even stagnated. However, here’s the bigger, permanent story: Mobile banking is the preferred channel by an increasing number of consumers. Banks...

Rise of the Crypto Custodians

As banks, insurers and other wealth managers assess the risks of the crypto market—particularly cybersecurity—they should not be dissuaded from exploring the opportunities. Strategic opportunities include positioning cash management as a springb...

Payment Facilitation: What You Need to Know

  • Impact Note
  • Date: February 8, 2022
  • Author(s): Don Apgar
  • Research Topic(s): Credit, Merchant
The payment facilitation model first appeared in the market in 2010 as a way to create a simple, cost-effective mechanism for micro-merchants to accept payment cards. This viewpoint will examine the growth of the payfac model as its utility is e...

Cardless Issuance: Key to Digital Transformation Strategy

  • Impact Note
  • Date: February 3, 2022
  • Author(s): Sarah Grotta
  • Research Topic(s): Debit
This Viewpoint considers the value of digital issuance and what issuers will want to take into account as they consider digital issuance technology.

Copy-Cat Banking Isn’t the Best Way to Beat Fintech Innovators

Neobanks have built their customer bases by offering lower fees and, particularly during the pandemic, quicker access to federal stimulus funds. But to develop the kind of deep relationships enjoyed by many traditional FIs that are considered cu...
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