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Cash, Check or Mobile POS?

Mobile POS (point of sale) acceptance is posing a growing threat to traditional terminal based solutions and vendors providing the existing functionality of a terminal at lower processing fees and easier application processes.

Mobile and Prepaid Opens New ‘POS-sibilities’ for In-Store Retail

  • Advisory Webinar: Client Login Required
  • Presenter(s): Nick Holland, Aleia Van Dyke
  • Research Topic(s): Tech & Infrastructure
The growing popularity of the digital realm has fundamentally altered the nature of the POS, as brick-and-mortar retailers have had to embrace elements of mobile and online channels in order to remain competitive.

Uncovering the Underbanked's Bill Pay Potential

When it comes to paying bills, too often the nation’s 37 million underbanked Americans do it the hard and costly way--in cash and in person.

Mobile RDC and Next Generation of Mobile Imaging: Bridging the Transaction Gap

As the smartphone-toting population crosses the 50% barrier, there are opportunities and challenges to rethink and re-imagine new imaging services to bridge the mobile transaction gap.

Navigating the Rising Tide of Mobile Security

Fraud is on the rise as the volume of security threats in online and mobile channels is growing exponentially.

Solutions to Forge the New Frontier of Fraud: Compensating Controls for Layered Authentication

  • Advisory Webinar: Client Login Required
  • Presenter(s): Test Test
  • Research Topic(s): Fraud Management
In 2012, account takeover and new account fraud each rose by approximately 50% over the previous year. These two fraud types impact consumers most severely.

Shop, Spend and Save More Effectively: 21st-Century PFM to the Rescue

Since Apple launched the iPhone six years ago, smartphones have imbued consumers with always-on, always-with-me, real-time expectations.

A New Model to Deepen Customer Loyalty Programs: AVENUE Model

Leading rewards and loyalty programs deepen participant value enabling customers to use accumulated points toward purchases.

A Glimpse into Mobile Banking in 2017: Lessons Learned from Large banks to Credit Unions

Mobile banking gained 10 million new users in 2012. Smartphones continue to surge in adoption over feature phones. Rising tablet adoption of more than double in the next five years promises to transform mobile banking once again. What will the f...

Mobile Security: Cat and Mouse Game for $20B Mobile Payments Market

  • Advisory Webinar: Client Login Required
  • Presenter(s): Test Test, Jim Van Dyke
  • Research Topic(s): Fraud Management
U.S. mobile payments grown to $20 billion, increasingly attracted the attention of sophisticated hackers.