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Data Breaches: How Do Consumer Perceptions Affect Merchants and the Financial Industry?

  • Advisory Webinar: Client Login Required
  • Presenter(s): Test Test
  • Research Topic(s): Fraud Management
Years of complacency among businesses regarding data breaches were shattered in 2013 with the Target breach getting into the crosshairs of the media. With the connection between data breaches and identity fraud growing with nearly 1 in 3 data-b...

Prepaid Cards and Mobile Payment Readers Change the POS Payment Stream through 2018

  • Advisory Webinar: Client Login Required
  • Presenter(s): Nick Holland, Aleia Van Dyke
  • Research Topic(s): Tech & Infrastructure
The retail point of sale (POS) market is rapidly changing as cash and check are increasingly losing favor with consumers and merchants and are quickly being replaced by plastic cards and alternative payments

Roadmap to a Profitable Future: Smartphones, Tablets, and Mobile Banking From Today to 2018

It’s no secret that smartphone and tablet adoption is skyrocketing, with mobile banking adoption following in the wake.

The State of EMV: Fact or Fiction

The U.S. EMV roadmap has existed since 2012, providing the payments industry with plenty of time to prepare for the transition from magnetic stripe cards to smart cards.

How to Win in the Growing $60 Billion Mobile Payments Market

As smartphone and tablet ownership rates continue to grow, mobile devices are expected to serve as an increasingly dominant purchase channel.

Strategies to Increase Digital Banking Engagement with Women Banking Customers

Women present bankers with a conundrum. On one hand, women are more satisfied than men with mobile banking. Yet, they are less active customers — not only in mobile banking, but also online banking and a variety of financial chores.

How to Future-Proof Your Mobile Banking Offering

The mobile market of smartphones and tablets is rising by leaps and bounds and is expected to propel mobile banking adoption into the future.

E-Commerce Platform Solutions Meeting The Needs of "Tomorrow's" Consumers

E‐commerce is growing by leaps and bounds, prompting merchants and payments processors to expand their platforms for card‐not‐present (CNP) payment acceptance and processing.

Biometrics in 2014: Practical Applications in Banking and Payments

  • Advisory Webinar: Client Login Required
  • Presenter(s): Test Test
  • Research Topic(s): Fraud Management
Fingerprint Matching. Palm Print. Eye Scanning. Voice and Facial Recognition. Behaviometrics. Biometric authentication has been a fixture of the public imagination for decades in futuristic popular fiction.

Mobile Banking Leaders: Strategies to meet Tomorrow’s Customers

The mobile “power users” of yesterday have become the average bank customers of 2013. What consumers want from mobile banking over the next few years?