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Mobile and Tablet Banking: Catalyst for Change

Report from Mercator Advisory Group's CustomerMonitor Survey Series probes customer useand branch impact of mobile, tablet banking. Mobile devices are changing the way consumers manage their lives, including their financial lives. The rapid prol...

2013 U.S. Commercial Card Market Update

New research from Mercator Advisory Group examines developments in the U.S. commercial card market. Outstanding balances on U.S. consumer credit cards haven't increased much from the lows reached in early 2011, and the slow rate of economic expa...

Field Notes on Merchant Payments Steering

  • Javelin Report
  • Date: April 17, 2013
  • Author(s): Ben Jackson
  • Research Topic(s): Prepaid
Smaller merchants are making use of new powers granted to them by the Durbin Amendment to steer customers into lower-cost payment choices, which may be a sign of things to come.

Business at the Periphery: Opportunities Around the Transaction

  • Javelin Report
  • Date: April 11, 2013
  • Author(s): Jeffrey Green
  • Research Topic(s): Emerging
New Mercator Advisory Group report identifies niche business segments around the actual settling of payments. Many new entrants are seizing on business opportunities around the core transaction process, deriving revenue from value-added services...

Mobile POS (Point of Sale) Business and Market Impact 2013: Emerging Technologies Expand Reach with Lower Cost, Disruptive Services

As smartphones and tablets become increasingly cost-effective and powerful, mobile POS (point of sale) acceptance is posing a growing threat to traditional terminal-based solutions and vendors. Mobile POS provides all the existing functionality ...

Cash Based Alternative Online and Mobile Payment Services Around the World

  • Javelin Report
  • Date: April 10, 2013
  • Author(s): Tristan Hugo-Webb
  • Research Topic(s): Global
Around the world, cash remains a significant consumer payment instrument, but as the 21st century shopping experience evolves, consumers who use cash exclusively or almost exclusively will be disadvantaged as goods and services increasingly move...

Contactless Cards: Listening for a Heartbeat

  • Javelin Report
  • Date: April 10, 2013
  • Author(s): Patricia Hewitt
  • Research Topic(s): Debit
Contactless cards have been teetering on the edge of the debit card market for the past decade. Merchant acceptance is far from ubiquitous. Issuers "attempts to quell consumers" fear of account data being stolen appear to be ineffective. Mobile ...

Emerging Technologies: An Outlook from Q1 2013

  • Impact Note
  • Date: April 10, 2013
  • Author(s): Jeffrey Green
  • Research Topic(s): Emerging
U.S. issuers and acquirers continue to address impending fraud-liability deadlines for EMV migration. But on another technology front, are we closer to knowing whether a clear direction for mobile payments will emerge?

A First Look into the Canadian Prepaid Market

  • Javelin Report
  • Date: April 9, 2013
  • Author(s): Terry Xie
  • Research Topic(s): Global
Canada, the eleventh largest global economy, has a population of 34.5 million along with one of the world's most developed banking markets featuring significant penetration of banking services and high consumer satisfaction. Debit cards are used...

EMV Cards: Instructions Required

  • Impact Note
  • Date: April 5, 2013
  • Author(s): Ken Paterson
  • Research Topic(s): Credit
U.S. cardholders are confused about those new chip cards they got in the mail. A modest stream of EMV cards is making its way into U.S. cardholders' wallets. Cardholders may think that's great, but for all the wrong reasons. Issuers who are putt...
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