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2013 U.S. Credit Card Outlook

  • Impact Note
  • Date: December 5, 2012
  • Author(s): Ken Paterson
  • Research Topic(s): Credit
Like 2011, 2012 has turned out to be a stronger year than expected for credit card spending. Next year may be the year the account origination logjam break - if other things don't break first.

Checks Become More Liquid as Visa and Chexar Deploy a Check Cashing Network

  • Javelin Report
  • Date: December 5, 2012
  • Author(s): Tim Sloane
  • Research Topic(s): Prepaid
The LMI community benefits and the prepaid financial services market continues its rapid growth. Soon anyone will be able to deposit a check for cash at a cost that varies with risk (including free). This will be a huge benefit to those who are ...

Managing Card-not-Present Fraud: Best Practices for Online Retailers

  • Javelin Report
  • Date: December 4, 2012
  • Author(s): Michael Misasi
Retail sales shifting to card-not-present channels, and this increases merchants' fraud exposure. Retailers are realizing that risk management belongs at the center of business strategy and are elevating fraud management to an enterprise-level c...

Merchant-Funded Networks: Bolstering Credit Card Rewards

  • Javelin Report
  • Date: December 4, 2012
  • Author(s): Michael Misasi
  • Research Topic(s): Credit
Mercator Advisory Group's newest report, Merchant-Funded Networks: Bolstering Credit Card Rewards, describes how U.S. credit issuers are implementing merchant-funded programs alongside proprietary reward schemes, and presents several ways for is...

Debit Advisory Service: 2013 Outlook

  • Impact Note
  • Date: November 28, 2012
  • Author(s): Patricia Hewitt
  • Research Topic(s): Debit
In 2012, the debit industry in the U.S. began to recover from the turmoil resulting from the Durbin Amendment, but that doesn't mean smooth sailing by any means. 2013 may be the year of living dangerously as issuers begin to move into new produc...

Consumers and Prepaid 2012: More Tools, Please

Consumers and Prepaid 2012: More Tools, Please

Point-to-Point Encryption in Payments: The Stage is Set for Mass Adoption

  • Javelin Report
  • Date: November 20, 2012
  • Author(s): David Fish
  • Research Topic(s): Credit
With the majority of major U.S. merchant acquirers offering point-to-point encryption (P2PE) solutions for securing payment card data either in flight or at rest, the stage is set for broader adoption in the merchant marketplace. In one sense, d...

Contactless Cards: The Gateway for Mobile NFC Payments?

  • Impact Note
  • Date: November 19, 2012
  • Author(s): Ben Jackson
  • Research Topic(s): Global
Contactless cards could help customers get used to making payments without the traditional swipe and encourage them to connect payments to NFC chips in their mobile devices.

Prepaid Cards: A Survey of Bank Attitudes, Adoption Rates, and Deployment Plans

  • Javelin Report
  • Date: November 19, 2012
  • Author(s): Tim Sloane
  • Research Topic(s): Prepaid
Prepaid Cards: A Survey of Bank Attitudes, Adoption Rates, and Deployment Plans

China's E-Payment Market 2012

  • Javelin Report
  • Date: November 15, 2012
  • Author(s): Terry Xie
  • Research Topic(s): Global
China's E-Payment Market 2012
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