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EMV, Mobile and the Promise of More Accurate Card Authorizations

EMV, Mobile and the Promise of More Accurate Card Authorizations

  • Advisory Webinar: Client Login Required
  • Presenter(s) : Test Test
  • Research Topic(s): Fraud Management
Fraud remains a serious danger in the U.S., but transactions wrongly declined due to suspected fraud — known as a “false positive” — may represent just as big a threat. Javelin estimates it resulted in $118 billion in falsely declined transactio...
Connecting the Dots with Mobile Imaging to Create a Full Mobile Banking Experience

Connecting the Dots with Mobile Imaging to Create a Full Mobile Banking Experience

This webinar explores the new areas of imaging that can enhance the experience and strategies to deliver an end-to-end mobile banking experience.
Turning Off Paper Leads to "Digital Commitment Gap"

Turning Off Paper Leads to "Digital Commitment Gap"

Digital banking is a way of life, yet only 2 of 5 bank statements are delivered digitally. Financial institutions and billers have tremendous opportunities to close this “digital commitment gap,” saving over $2.2 billion over the next five years...
Gamification Leads to Stronger Consumer Security Habits

Gamification Leads to Stronger Consumer Security Habits

  • Advisory Webinar: Client Login Required
  • Presenter(s) : Test Test, Kyle Marchini
  • Research Topic(s): Fraud Management
Whenever the topic of fraud prevention appears, it is accompanied by hand-wringing over customers’ lax security habits. It is not that consumers do not care about security – on the contrary, they are quite alarmed by identity fraud and the growi...
Rising Tide of Mobile-First Bankers

Rising Tide of Mobile-First Bankers

  • Advisory Webinar: Client Login Required
  • Presenter(s) : Daniel Van Dyke
  • Research Topic(s): Mobile & Online Banking
The move to mobile is happening faster than anticipated and profoundly changing banking in the process. The number of weekly mobile bankers now equals that of customers who use the branch for deposits, a sea change of almost 53 million consumers...
Capitalizing on EMV Halo Effect with Cardholders’ Education and Awareness

Capitalizing on EMV Halo Effect with Cardholders’ Education and Awareness

The milestone of EMV liability shift in October is just around the corner and there remains a significant gulf between cardholders with EMV cards and perhaps more significantly, cardholders that KNOW they have EMV cards. How are banks and credit...
Enhancing Digital Banking by Integrating Personal Finance Principles

Enhancing Digital Banking by Integrating Personal Finance Principles

Eight years after the iPhone launched the “there’s an app for that” movement, digital banking still applies a one-size-fits-all collection of features for self-guided consumers.
Fraud and the Future of Data Breaches in 2018

Fraud and the Future of Data Breaches in 2018

  • Advisory Webinar: Client Login Required
  • Presenter(s) : Test Test
  • Research Topic(s): Fraud Management
Data breaches stole the spotlight in 2014 with a barrage of high profile retail breaches. While point of sale data dominated 2014, it will give way to card not present data over the next four years. Javelin forecasts who fraudsters will target a...
A Glimpse of Mobile Shopping at Point-of-Sale in 2019

A Glimpse of Mobile Shopping at Point-of-Sale in 2019

By 2019, Javelin projects that mobile proximity payments will total $54 billion. To reach that revenue target, mobile proximity payments---payments made by consumers at the physical point of sale using a mobile device—will grow at a tremendous ...
Real-Time Payments in the U.S. are On the Horizon

Real-Time Payments in the U.S. are On the Horizon

  • Advisory Webinar: Client Login Required
  • Presenter(s) : Nick Holland
  • Research Topic(s): Tech & Infrastructure
The Federal Reserve recently endorsed real-time payment platforms and vowed to restructure and upgrade the current payment system. While the United States has trailed other countries in facilitating real-time payments, this new edict could fuel ...
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