Using Small Business Credit Cards as a Relationship Builder
- Date:December 20, 2018
- Author(s):
- Ian Benton
- Jacob Jegher
- Report Details: 24 pages, 13 graphics
- Research Topic(s):
- Small Business
- Digital Banking
In today’s highly competitive acquisition arena, deposit growth has slowed and organizations are looking for strategies to attract and retain profitable relationships. Market indicators show that the benefit of key services, such as those offered by credit card issuers, is central to drawing new deposits, and small business credit cards can be an important component of this strategy. Small companies typically have active financing needs, and credit cards are widely used for this purpose, as well as for recurring transactional requirements. However, building comprehensive relationships with small firms that can yield strong deposit growth results, in addition to fee and interest income, demands that organizations using cards to engage small companies as customers must establish high value rewards strategies and integrate auxiliary services and benefits to support businesses’ needs. This paper will examine ways to drive depository growth through the use of small business credit cards.
Key questions discussed in this report:
- How can small business credit card strategy be used to generate deposit growth?
- Why do many small businesses use consumer credit card products, and how can that dynamic be changed?
- Which types of rewards are of greatest interest to small firms?
- What additional features associated with credit cards are valuable for small businesses?
- How are issuers innovating to support the needs of small companies?
- What are some approaches to use with start-ups?
The data in this report was primarily collected from a random-sample, nationally representative survey of 1,000 business owners and decision-makers conducted in May 2018. Businesses in the survey had a revenue range of $100,000 to $10 million.
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