Building Better Online Banking
- Date:June 06, 2018
- Author(s):
- Mark Schwanhausser
- Tyler Brown
- Report Details: 30 pages, 8 graphics
- Research Topic(s):
- Mobile & Online Banking
- Digital Banking
Drawing on Javelin’s Digital Banking Maturity Path, this report provides a tactical and strategic roadmap to position a bank or credit union as a trusted adviser and long-lasting financial partner. The report identifies 36 principles that are essential to build satisfying, long-term banking relationships in six categories: 1) Ease of Use, 2) Security Empowerment, 3) Money Movement, 4) Financial Fitness, 5) Customer Service, and 6) Account Opening. In addition, the report maps out what to expect in 2018 as top FIs add to their online banking tool chests.
Key questions discussed in this report:
- What are Javelin’s underlying principles that will enable FIs to evolve along the Digital Banking Maturity Path and that can serve as touchstones for digital banking strategists as they prioritize online investments?
- What online banking features will provide an immediate impact in 2018?
- What online features are top FIs most likely to add in 2018?
Companies Mentioned: Bank of America, Chase, Early Warning Services, PNC Bank, USAA, Wells Fargo, Zelle
Consumer data in this report is based primarily on information collected in a panel of 10,768 consumers in an online survey conducted in July 2017. The margin of sampling error is ± 0.94% at the 95% confidence level.
Learn More About This Report & Javelin
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