The Small Business Payments Ecosystem: How Small Business Owners Pay and Want to Get Paid
- Date:October 30, 2015
- Author(s):
- Michael Moeser
- Report Details: 30 pages, 15 graphics
- Research Topic(s):
- Small Business
- Digital Banking
As small and micro businesses continue to grow within the U.S. economy, how they pay their suppliers and how they receive payments from their customers continues to evolve. While traditional paper invoices, checks, and letters of credit continue to be mainstays within the small business payments ecosystem, new forms of payment, such as credit cards and international ACH, are on the rise. This report also explores the impact of cross-border receipts and payments and how small businesses manage the foreign currencies that result from these transactions. Finally, the report examines the how small businesses invoice their customers in an effort to highlight potential opportunities for the companies that serve this market.
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