Fraud and Authentication Technology: Realigning Investments with Consumer Expectations
- Date:November 14, 2023
- Author(s):
- Suzanne Sando
- Report Details: 12 pages, 3 graphics
- Research Topic(s):
- Fraud & Security
- Fraud Management
Nearly half of businesses, across industries, spend less than $50,000 a year on fraud, authentication, and identity verification technology and tools, making it essential for vendors of these products to anticipate business needs and decision timelines by making the best possible case for the efficacy of their offerings.
This Javelin Strategy & Research report looks at what motivates businesses to invest in the relevant technologies, what consumers expect, and how vendors can position their products accordingly. For financial institutions, in particular, key factors behind a decision to acquire technology are cost, alignment with consumers’ needs, customization, a full demonstration of the solution’s value, and market competition.
Key questions discussed in this report:
- What are the main fraud prevention and authentication technology investment priorities for organizations across industries?
- How closely do the budgetary priorities of organizations align with consumer expectations as they relate to fraud and authentication technology?
- What do decision-makers identify as key drivers and deterrents for purchases?
Learn More About This Report & Javelin
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