Mobile Wallets and Consumer Adoption: Securing Growth Through Trust
- Date:October 22, 2015
- Author(s):
- Daniel Van Dyke
- Report Details: 16 pages, 6 graphics
- Research Topic(s):
- Mobile & Online Banking
- Tech & Infrastructure
- Digital Strategy & Experience
- Digital Banking
With the adoption of NFC by Apple and Android devices and the transformation of the POS landscape resulting from the shift to EMV chip cards, it is forecast that the mobile proximity payment market will grow from $7.3 billion in 2015 to nearly $54 billion in 2019.
This whitepaper provides an overview of the current state of mobile wallet adoption, including:
- Forecasted growth in mobile proximity payments at the point of sale (POS)
- The adoption of NFC payment technologies by retailers
- The current state of smartphone adoption
It also addresses current consumer perceptions of mobile wallet technologies and, fundamentally, who they perceive to be their preferred provider and why.
This whitepaper, sponsored by Diebold, looks at how mobile payments and mobile wallets are evolving in the U.S., detailing key barriers to end user adoption and consumer preferences for mobile wallet providers. The whitepaper was independently produced by JAVELIN.
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Most of the consumer data in this report is based on information gathered from multiple Javelin surveys conducted in 2014 and 2015. Data was gathered and weighted to reflect a representational sample of U.S. adult consumers.
A random sample panel of 3,195 consumers in a July 2015 survey conducted Online. The margin of sampling error is ±1.73% at the 95% confidence level
A random sample panel of 3,225 consumers in a July 2014 survey conducted Online. The margin of sampling error is ±1.73% at the 95% confidence level.
Views expressed in the XPRESSION SafeLoad by Diebold section of this report are those of Diebold, and do not necessary represent those of JAVELIN.
For quotes and product descriptions, executive interviews were also conducted via telephone with leaders at Banco Populaire and America First Credit Union.
Learn More About This Report & Javelin
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